Deer fence: protect and keep safe trees, gardens, flowers, crops, pets and farm animals. Wild and pest animals can provoke damages and incidents. If you have a nice garden, or cultivated areas that cost you to plant and maintain, prevent deer and other animals to destroy the result of such an hard work. Deer are responsible for huge agricultural and livestock damages. In fact deer can be very insistent, and destroy even very resistant plants. Deer netting is an inexpensive mesh used to protect small and large areas against unwanted animals. Deer fence is also useful for temporary protection because it can be easily installed and removed. It can be stored and reused. It is also used to cover directly plants and crops. As a garden fencing deer netting can also be used against rodents and as a poultry netting.
Deer fence is a cheap and practical method to build a barrier
For one hand metal fences are expensive, heavy and difficult to move. On the other hand high quality plastic fences are heavy duty materials as much resistant as the metal fences. In addition they do not oxid and they are not harmful. They have a great design, almost imperceptible. Deer fence is very resistent and it stands strong hits and high pressure. Also it cannot be chewed. Deer plastic fences are more flexible and workable than wire mesh, and they perfectly blend into the landscape so the vision of your garden is not altered. Other repellent methods for deer can be very expensive and ineffective. In fact deer get quickly used to acoustic and visual devices. So they lose effectiveness after a while. If you have already tried them and they did not work, then deer fence is the solution. Deer netting creates a barrier that keeps animals of any size out of the properties. Electric fences are costly and can be dangerous for children and pets, and they are not allowed in many residential areas.
Easy and cheap installation
Deer fence is very easy to instal. No special devices nor specialized professionals are required so you can do it by yourself, saving money. Nevertheless a proper installation is the key for the success and durability of the fence. Installation consists of inserting metal posts into the ground then fastening the fence on them
with plastic clips. Insert stakes or poles into the ground, than stretch and fix the deer fence. Anchor to the ground for extra security.
– Be sure of choosing the right size of the grids – small enough to not let penetrate small animals.
– Look for the appropriate height and width.
– Consider add an inclination of 45-degree angle.
– Use high posts and add more fencing or additional wire to make it higher.
– An alternative to make the fence higher is to install a double barrier of fence. With this width deer would not jump.
– Blend the mesh at the bottom and anchor this portion to the ground so rabbits and racoons cannot dig under it. Grass will grow through the fence.
Another tip, is to use the deer fence together with a privacy netting so that the animals cannot see through the fence and they are in doubt about something threatening on the other side.
Deer netting can be used to protect the trees by installing it around them, like building a safety cage.
If deer, other wild animals and other garden pests – rabbits, raccoons, – assault and damage your property, keep them away thanks to the deer fence without danger for the animals. Infact deer plastic netting does not hurt the animals and it is environmentally respectful.
When you need to have a strong barrier against deer choose the best quality
Our deer fence is guaranteed for a long life, since it is manufactured from a process of extrusion of the highest quality polypropylene and UV treatments that convey maximum durability and strength.
Characteristics of a high quality deer netting
– Lightness
– Ductility
– High elasticity
– Mechanical strength
– Resistance to chemical agents
– Resistance to weathering, it can be exposed to any climate condition for long periods, without experiencing deterioration
– Resistance to water and mold
Deer behavior and habits
Deer are very territorial and humans are building streets, houses and farms right in their territory where they have been living free for years with consequent increasing conflicts.
They can cause important losses to farmers, because they like maize and soya beans. They also chew the surface of the trees, especially the tender and young parts. Moreover they love plants and flowers.
Keeping them away from the properties can be a hard work. Deer are very intelligent and they remember where the food is available. So they continue visiting the private gardens and farms.
The deer live in the temperate regions of the world. Hunting has led to the introduction of this animal into other habitats with disastrous consequences for the environment, so it has been listed among the 100 most invasive species.
In general deer are shy and try not to approach the human being, although in regions where they have not been subjected to intense hunting they may not distrust people so much.
Deer are most active during the twilight and dawn hours. These are the time of the day when they can more likely attack the properties because they need to eat and drink. When the nights are prolonged in winter they develop habits preferentially diurnal. At the end of the warm season, usually at the end of summer the season of zeal begins. During these months the males fight with other males. In this state, which makes the males more aggressive, they can even attack humans.
The only way to deter them is to build a physical barrier because sounds like alarms that are supposed to scare them, are expensive and they end up ignoring them. Deer netting is not a visual barrier but it is still perceptible for the animals, that recognize the fence and so avoid the area.

In conclusion, the most natural and cost-effective method to protect your properties is installing a deer fence.