Here’s how you can deal with wandering spotted visitors using a simple deer fence!
Owing to the availability of food in abundance in the heavily landscape suburbs across the New York region and other parts of the U.S., the population of deer have grown in the past few years. While this is good news from a fauna perspective, however, these spotted otherwise harmless friends, are also known for feasting on shrubs and flowers and are quite capable of being a menace for your backyard.
Residents of these regions have tried all means to fend off these spotted intruders, but to no avail. They have tried spraying repellents, deer resistant plants, ultrasonic devices etc, but the deer always wins over these. So now, a lot of residents are resorting to a simple, yet effective solution of putting up a big deer fence. Although, deer resistant noninvasive ground covers are also helpful to resist browsing by deer, but it is not a permanent solution as compared to the different variety of deer fence available these days.
Types of Deer Fencing Available
- Electric Fencing: This type of fencing is quite popular amongst the buyers as it is one of the cheapest deer fencing options that is available in the market. This type of deer fence acts more like a deer training tool and less like a barrier. The electric fencing uses baited line which lures and encourages deer to come towards it, and when they do come, it delivers a shock when they come too close to the line. It thus trains the animal by playing on its memory of the unpleasant shocks received after repeated visits, and thereby they become conditioned not to come back to the fence. However, this type of deer fence has its own flipside. Electric fences are comparatively high maintenance compared to other options. They are also not entirely safe if you install them in an area where your kids or pets are likely to wander. Electric fences are also quite low, so it is not too difficult for a deer to jump over it. Some deer may be willing to withstand a shock and may go through or under the fence as well. While, it may not be the best and only option to ward off deer, with proper maintenance it should last quite long and most importantly it is cost effective. You can also use a roll of plastic poly film weed barrier to keep your deer fence devoid of weeds, vines, and grass so that it is easy for you to use your lawn mower and it also makes it easier for you to remove the fence if you wish to during the off season.
- Polypropylene Deer Fence: This variety of deer fence is much more durable and also provides better obstruction compared to electric fencing. It is a mesh that comprises of a strong plastic polymer and it can resist extreme environmental conditions, chewing, and physical force applied by the animal. This type of fence is actually quite light weight and it is very easy to install as well. It is tall enough to dissuade deer from jumping over it and it is staked into the ground so that it cannot be dug at the bottom as well. Basically, you may consider this to be much more effective as a barrier compared to electric fence. Another advantage of poly fence is that it is not easily visible against the landscape, even when you look at it from a short distance. However, this type of deer fence is more expensive than the electric fence. The flipside of this type of deer fence is that it is not 100% chew proof and with enough pressure and consistent chewing, it may tear off and holes may be formed in it eventually. Poly deer fence has a life of about ten to twenty years. If you plan to install one for your backyard, it is recommended that the fence should be at least 7.5’ in height.
The anti deer fence is a resistant protection against the attack of wild animals. - Steel Hex Fencing: This variety of deer fence is a mesh fence made out of galvanized steel wire. Being made with galvanized steel, it is obviously chew proof and the hex design of the wire makes it stronger than a usual square design or pattern. Since, the steel hex fence is PVC coated, it is able to withstand any kind of damage caused by extreme weather. Similar to the poly fence, this fence is also not easily visible from short distances and it does not upset the look of your landscape. This variety of fence offers a more permanent solution; however, the installation can be challenging compared to an electric or a poly fence. If you install steel hex fencing properly, it should easily last anywhere between 20-30 years.
- Fixed Knot Fence: This variety of deer fence is also a wire mesh that is made out of galvanized steel. However, the strength of this variety of net is derived from the knots as suggested in its name itself. In order to prevent the shifting and stretching in the wires, another wire is twisted at the intersections in the mesh which helps to hold each wire it its place. This type of deer fence is corrosion resistant and it is absolutely chew proof. Thus it is considered to be an ideal type of fence for farms and livestock. A fixed knot fence usually lasts easily between 20-40 years. The only flipside despite being the one of the strongest fencing options available in the market, is that it is more expensive compared to the non-metal varieties of deer fence. Another issue with this fence is that it is relatively difficult to install on your own if you do not have the experience. So, you may need to get professional help to get it installed properly.
So, if you are someone who has previously tried sound, taste, sight, and various touch repellents to ward off deer to no effect and you still have the spotted visitors feeding on your lovely garden plants, perhaps it is about time that you consider deer fence and choose any of the above varieties described in this article.